Air Transat Inaugural Flight From Toronto to Munich a Success

Montreal, June 2, 2003

Air Transat began on May 30th its flights from Toronto to Munich, Germany with an inaugural flight to celebrate the event. Flight TS 380 touched down on the morning of May 31st. German airport officials were present when the flight arrived and greeted passengers as they entered the terminal building.

The flights will run every Friday outbound and every Saturday inbound from May 30th to September 27th, 2003 and will be on an Airbus A310 aircraft.“May 31st marked a historic day for Air Transat. The Munich Airport, for the first time ever, greeted an aircraft arriving from Canada with Air Transat colours,” stated Sylvie Bourget, Vice-President, Marketing, at Air Transat. “We are very proud of this event which is a terrific example of how Air Transat meets customer needs because of its flexibility and trend awareness,” she added.

About Air Transat
Air Transat serves some 90 destinations in 25 countries. With a fleet of 15 aircraft, the airline is Canada’s leading leisure carrier. Air Transat is a subsidiary of Transat A.T. Inc. Transat A.T. Inc. with its head office in Montreal, is an integrated company specializing in the organization, marketing and distribution of holiday travel. The core of its business is in Canada and France. Transat is also involved in value-added services offered at travel destinations and distribution through travel agency networks. Transat is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE:TRZ).